Tham khảo Thám hiểm câu cá

  1. Richard Norton-Taylor and Ian Black "Police hold Islam cleric in 'fishing expedition'", The Guardian, 16 March 1999
  2. Caroline Jowett, "No further action by Jim Davidson Review", Daily Express, 18 July 2014
  3. Patrick Sawer, "Prejudicial Heath Inquiry to be referred to Police Watchdog", The Daily Telegraph, 7 October 2017
  4. Patrick Sawer, "Prejudicial Heath Inquiry to be referred to Police Watchdog", The Daily Telegraph, 7 October 2017
  5. H. Richard Uviller (2001). “Fisher Goes on the Quintessential Fishing Expedition and Hubbell is Off the Hook”. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology. 91 (2): 311-336 [323]. doi:10.2307/1144267. JSTOR 1144267.
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